Reply To: Help with planning my weeks
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Well, in a perfect world, I would try and get at least 3 per week and do that with the “favorite” strokes and distance (100’s and 200 free). The distance events may suffer a little, however, I think that the 200’s help with that anyway and the 400IM, 500 and mile I saw some of the earliest success (surprised me). Even one of my 400IM swimmers dropped 10+ seconds at zones and hit a 5:19 and the rest all dropped decent times (5-20 seconds) early in training and at the end.
The 200’s do seem to help distance events and I don’t always mind that swimmers have to do a off event workout. I think that the change is healthy mentally and physically on muscles worked.
In the end, staying consistent is very important each week in doing USRPT and then focusing on an event or two in practice for a meet seems to build confidence. For example, if a swimmer is doing a 100 free and 200 fly as a priority at a meet, that week I may and try and get them at least once or twice to do those events at RP even if not scheduled.