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drpaul, yes those 25s @1:00 were for 100 pace. Everyone actually swam about .25 to .5 faster than the normal 100 pace they trained for though. We did them almost every day for the last month of the season but they also had 100 pace 25s on faster intervals.

I will say that I found very few of my swimmers were able to hold pace for a significant number with only 10-15 seconds rest. Actually even 20 seconds rest was very hard for them. My distance swimmers could hold pace with only 15-18 seconds rest but the 25s were hard for my girls. It could have to do with the fact that we’re just not a super elite group. I think Rushall is okay with 25 seconds rest if needed.

I posted on here earlier in the season about my frustrating with my flyers and breaststrokers not being able to do their 25s at pace. Oldschool said they move those swimmers up to :40 or :50 or even 1:00. Pace is more important than getting the exact amount of rest.

Every flyer and breaststroker we had did their primary sets on :50 (except our 1:02.4 flyer does them on :40). The results were the same at sections for all of them. I even had 2 backstrokers who went on :50 and their results were a little better than my girls who were doing them on :40.

My freestylers did most of their sets on :40 and all hit their pace except the girl who went 55.3 and was training for 55.0.

It’s a small sample size but I think it is enough to suggest hitting your pace is much more important than getting the recommended 10-20 seconds rest.

I heard Dave Salo say that after college he trained for 3 months(i think that was the length) doing 60×25 @1:00 every day. He got best times in everything at his meet.

"Most people have the will to win. Few have the will to prepare to win."