Reply To: Taper (Again) – Input Appreciated
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Greg, I am not a coach…just a parent forced into training my own kids. Have you read the Peaking for Competitions paper on Swimming Science Bulletin? It gives specifics of routines for one week for smaller meets and two weeks for big meets. My 13 year old has noticed a huge difference in how he feels while training this way. He says is not nearly as tired between practices. In traditional training, he felt exhausted much of the time. We have not been doing this exactly correct. We have been doing 300-500 warm-up and three race pace sets. Each set is typically 300-500 yards – mostly 400. Our recoveries have been 300 and warm down is 200. We have only been getting 4-5 pool sessions per week. I am spending my weekend reading and researching how we need to change things to get as close as we can to doing USRPT correctly. I really do believe we owe it to the science to buy in completely. I feel this is the only way to fairly evaluate it.