Reply To: Results
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We averaged over 8% drops from last season. This is how the last three seasons have compared:
13 yo – 2011-2012 = 8.63%, 2012-2013 = 1.2% drop, 2013-2014 = 7.5% drop
10 yo – 2011-2012 = 15.6%, 2012-2013 = 7.4% drop, 2013-2014 = 9.25% drop
10 yo – 2011-2012 = 12.4%, 2012-2013 = 4% drop, 2013-2014 = 8.8% drop
We had a coaching change after the 2012 LC season and again in October of 2013. When I look back at the history, the 2011 and 2012 seasons showed steady improvement. 2012-2013 did not show as much. During the 2013 season the 13 year old gained in more events than he dropped. It was all traditional training until March of 2014. How much does the coach contribute to the improvement? Are the higher numbers for the ten year olds in 2011-2012 because they had been swimming just a year and dropping in greater amounts? I think these numbers support our switch to USRPT. Will it be better to look at our 2014 seasonal drops? What numbers do you all compare?