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I have two swimmers doing the 1500 July 12th. One is almost 14, and the other will have just turned 11 and be doing it for the first time. A few months ago he did the 800 in 12:00. During the morning session the day of the 1500 he will swim 700M. He will be able to rest during the afternoon session before the 1500 in the evening. In the four weeks leading up to the meet he will not train at all in week two. My original plan was to do one session per week of 1500 training. We try to repeat sets within 48 hours, but we have only done the 1500 set once per week a few times. In this meet he will swim 15 events for a total of 3900M. Doing a 1500 session means practicing at 5 am outside in a 50M pool. Is once a week enough prep for this race? Each week we will do 4-5 RP sessions of around 2000 yards in the afternoons, and he will do 3 morning sessions with an AAU team that focuses mostly on technique. We also do one session each week focusing on starts, turns, and underwaters. He is very well conditioned and does not seem to tire at all. I guess I am having trouble breaking that traditional training thought process and am concerned about so much less yardage than we used to do. Opinions greatly appreciated!