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Nathan Templeman from the thriving metropolis of Canby, Oregon USA…just outside of Portland. We’re about a year into our USRPT experiment. I wasn’t the head coach when I introduced it to my squad (12-16YO, USA B to SR SECT qualifiers) but I have since assumed that role and begun to integrate it throughout the program.
Like many others I have struggled w/ the lack of kicking etc. and I confess that sometimes a few poor meet sessions will sometimes lead me astray for a practice or two. Ultimately, however, I buy into the theory, but I don’t always feel that I am up to the task of securing the discipline that the sets require from my athletes. It’s just soooo easy to take that 50 fly off… Old school habits die hard.
At the risk of violating some forum taboo I want to mention that we are looking for a PT AG coach to begin in the fall (SEP14) and I’d love to have someone w/ USRPT experience, particularly w/ 12&UN. You can learn more about the position at