Reply To: Training for the 50
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That is so helpful! Thank you.
I have a couple of follow up questions. For 25s on 2 minutes would you do a certain number or just go until she starts slowing down? How much rest would you recommend for 12.5s? Also, the same question I had for the 100… is it possible to train to often for the 50? My coaches only had me do sprinting a couple days a week but they also had me train 6,000+ yards a day so I know their beliefs might be off.
Would you be willing to tell me the 50 times of some of the fastest women you’ve worked with? It would give my swimmer more confidence knowing someone had trained really fast sprinters with this type of training.
Last question, I’m nervous that getting only 1,000ish yards of fast swimming a day will be enough. Should I keep the 200 training in for her just to get a little more yards? There is a 0% chance she’ll be swimming the 200 at any of our important meets. I haven’t done a full season of USRPT yet and I’m not 100% confident. I’m confident that it would work with the right coach but I’m not 100% confident in my abilities to make it work.
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