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We use the 2IM splits for all IM work as well. We’ll start with 25s at ½ IM split for that leg and work to 50s later in the season.

Early: target time is ½ 2IM split

10 x 25 fly
15 x 25 ba
20 x 25 br
25 x 25 fr

We’ll then rotate in the 50s with the exception of the fly, always seems to get just too technically unsound.

Mid season

20 x 25 fly ½
12 x 50 ba using 2IM split
30 x 25 br ½
14 x 50 fr using 2IM split

20 x 25 fly
30 x 25 ba
12 x 50 br
14 x 50 fr

By the end of the cycle they should be able to handle

30 x 25 fly
14 x 50 ba
16 x 50 br
20 x 50 fr or 8 x 100 fr @ 2IM split times 2

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