Reply To: Psychologica/Emotional Profile of Swimmers and USRPT

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I’m finding that race pace sets are outing the swimmers who like to “hide” within the sets in a TT format. Those who don’t eat/sleep properly also stick out more. Given the nature of college living those who are out making social choices that conflict with training are easier to see. I like this. For the bad actors it’s a meritocracy operating perfectly. For those poor performers who had to cram for a test or don’t eat/sleep properly it’s a big factor in motivating them to get their sh*t together.

Of course this isn’t 100% black and white, but in large part the RP sets are really good diagnostics of their behavior outside the pool.

Those who don’t engage with the spirit of the sets…I don’t know. Either they trust you or not. If they do then they need to act on that trust and just step on the gas in these sets. Not just todayIf they don’t trust then that’s the end of it for me if they aren’t actively seeking to build that trust.

A constant refrain for me and i’m sure most coaches: what’s you’re goal? Everything flows from that.