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I understand it is a process and takes some time. They looked better in the afternoon. I guess the biggest question I had you hit on, were we starting out with too much and trying to move to fast to build up to a full program and is this sort of fatigue normal when first starting out.

I have attached everything I tracked for the workout, I have the kids keep track of their misses, but record their first miss, last miss and total number made at pace. The paces we used at this practice are directly from a simulated meet we ran the previous Saturday. The plan to use these times to get us started and then follow USRPT rules and lower the pace after 2 successful sets.

Right now we follow the pattern of 3 mulligans for 50s and 4 mulligans for 25s. I usually count the mulligans towards their total made. If they miss on a 50 they sit out one and if they miss on a 25 they sit out two.

As a group I have noticed we are very good at 25’s and solid on the 50’s and great on anything that is faster than pace with big intervals, i.e. 8 x 25 (1) @ <100 pace. I have a few kids that dominate their 25 paces so I’m not sure if the next step should be to lower the pace or lower their interval (as we do 25s @ 100 pace on the 40 which is more than the 15s rest allotted).

In hindsight you are probably right we are doing too much too fast with paces/intervals that are not challenging enough so our race pace volume is too high. This is something I was worried about, and I am making the adjustments based on results as we move forward. As I said before I understand the process and the art of coaching, but as this is a new paradigm for me I feel I am fumbling for a starting point and was reaching out to people who have done and are doing this already for any insights. Appreciate your comments and helpfulness.



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