Reply To: Sprinter Trying To Do Distance

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I should’ve been more clear before, I was asking how to RACE a longer event. Like “fly and die” or “build the 100s,” which is my I put in my times/splits. I forgot I’ve already told you guys more than enough about how I swim 🙂 Since I only train for the 50s and 100s at the moment, (adding the 200s next season,) I just signed up for the sake of swimming them again, not looking for PBs. The meet was this past weekend, it went as to be expected for not training those events. I had fun swimming something different anyway.

I’d like to ask you some questions about VO2max. I started learning about it a few months ago, but couldn’t find that much info.

~ So VO2max is the “aerobic base.” That means it should be built up in the “pre-season” (Aug-Oct & Mar-May) and maintained through the competition season?
~ How long does it take to develop the “base?” The longer the better or does it have a limit of how much it will improve?
~ You said 40-60 sec work / 20 sec rest. Is this THE sweet spot or does a set just need the same ratio?
~ Everything I’ve seen has been a 1:1 work to rest ratio. Does this also work?
~ Is there any way to tell if your really at 100% VO2max? (without testing equipment) It should be the speed you can hold for 5 min, correct?

Sorry for not being more clear, thank you for the reply.
