Fist LC meet this weekend

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    Our first LC meet is this weekend (sat/sun). We are 5 weeks into our USRPT training so…

    We’re obviously not “tapering” per say. We will be at practice 4 days this week (mon-thur) and my plan is to reduce yardage a bit, take a set out here & there & focus on the little things (starts,turns,finishes,technique,etc.)….no dryland

    We are still going to go at race pace but I don’t want them to “fail” this week. This was last night:

    10×25’s @ 100 on :30 (extra rest on rep 5 so I could talk with them)

    4 sets of these (fly, back, breast, free) with 3-5min rest between each set

    The last 2 reps in each set were from the block with the horn (used out start system) with a turn

    Spent 15min at the end cleaning up some starts (mostly back)

    Any other usrpt priorities this week or anything else for that matter?




    We did not taper at all before out first meet. We did spend an entire session the week of the meet on starts, underwaters, turns, and finishes. We teach our kids to attack every wall and take 3-4 strokes like their life depends on it when they surface. I could see them pull ahead at every turn. They averaged 8.2% drops from last season’s times. We have another LC meet this weekend. The rest of this month training will be inconsistent with them going out of town for camps. We will get two full weeks in before our July meet. I will continue to post results as we compete. Good luck to you and your kids!

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