Reply To: Results
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Really. One meet and you’re ready to change?
As a club coach the biological maturity issue is always going to be a factor. Get over it! The research says 1-3% improvement can be attributed to biological maturity until they reach peak height. So if they are improving at a greater rate than that (per year) at least you know you didn’t screw them up and that’s about it. Truthfully
This is not an easy system “plug and play”. You have to be on top of recording. Numbers offered, numbers made, looking at race splits/tempos/cycles and correlating them to practice performances/sets and vice versa.
We are now the researchers and we have to record the data and I really don’t think that after a couple of weeks of training and one meet you can make “heads or tails” of what to expect.
This is going to take work and probably more observation on the part of the coach than most are use to or willing to do for extended periods.
Do the work and stay the course! If you do the “numbers will start to speak to you”
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