Reply To: When to abandon a set
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April 9, 2014 at 3:18 pm

There is no conflict as far As I can judge. Or you have 2 failures in a row or 3 misses before the end of the set. So let’s say the set is 30×25. As example: Swimmer misses rep 8, rests rep 9 then again misses rep 15 rests rep 16 then he misses rep 24 and leaves the set for recovery as this is his 3rd failure in this set. On the other hand there is the 2 in a row failure rule. Swimmer misses rep 15 and rests rep 16 and then he misses rep 17. This is 2 failures in a row. Swimmer is no longer able after rest to swim the target race pace so has to leave the set and start recovery.
Hope this helps.