Non-specific training

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  • #672
    Greg Tucker

    Do you follow the strict Rushall program regarding drylands, pull buoys, paddles and other swimming aids?

    We do Power Rack and some drylands, focusing mostly on posture, core and shoulders for our girls team.

    Greg Tucker


    We do almost no dryland during the season, but I am meeting resistance from parents over this. Personally, I agree with what Rushall has written. As a compromise, we are doing some core work to keep people happy, but I am still waiting for that definitive study that shows how dryland equates to faster swimming overall. We have eliminated all pull buoys, paddles, snorkels, etc… We only use kickboards during the recovery sessions.

    The only anecdotal evidence I have gathered is that serious dryland training has a negative impact on times. I observed this again this year in a small group of swimmers who worked out diligently with weights, stretch cords, etc… under the supervision of a “swimming” conditioning specialist.This small group made the least gains in the pool. In the case of 2 of them, they did not achieve one personal best the whole season.

    Just curious, have you noticed the same results in both boys and girls using usrpt? I’m mainly interested in the results of girls using usrpt.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Denaj.

    I find training girls in USRP a little easier because they generally can train at a higher percentage of there top overall speed. Where as with, especially older, guys they are often trying to hit paces that they did taper and shaved that were way faster than anything they had done in season. Having said that, when I have expressed this to others, usually I find that they don’t see a noticeable distance. Either way, I think USRP is great for Girls.
    As far as non specific training, I think dryland can be beneficial in two ways.
    First if you are doing it as a sort of occupational therapy. Addressing individual issues that keep them from moving properly. If they lack strength or mobility in certain areas etc.
    The second is with girls who are having weight issues.
    I think there is a possible use for anything as a teaching aid, but I do not see much use in traditional kick board ( promotes bad kicking form) and pull bouy use.


    This is a tough one for me. I totally understand where Rushall is coming from & using the brain imagery in the DVD’s helped as well. I get that being able to go from doing 50 pushups to 100 does NOT translate into faster times BUT…

    The world of exercise physiology & training styles have come a long way. It would just seem that a certain amount of neuro-muscular training, explosive movements/plyometrics & certain mobility/flexibility/balance & coordination type training would be useful.

    I am also aware of a study stating that static stretches reduce athletic performance as well as creating ligament laxity in a swimmer would be a bad thing!!

    Seeing as I am beginning our USRPT program next week….I’ll probably start with just the pool work (as I have a lot to do there) and maybe I’ll ad it later…..we’ll see


    I’ve only started recently but we are only using kickboards during recovery. Otherwise we have only been doing USRPT sets and skill work (starts, turns, underwaters).

    I feel like dryland is where most people question Dr. Rushall. I have seen a lot of people who have seemed to improve a lot because of dryland but I’ve also seen people who don’t seem to be helped at all by it. For the older males it has seemed to be beneficial but all I have is anecdotal evidence.

    "Most people have the will to win. Few have the will to prepare to win."


    Might want to read this on kickboards. Ok I give up on attachments on this website.

    A Kiwi coach had some observations regarding kickboard usage.

    Try Ally Todd, National Education Manger, New Zealand Swimming.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Denaj.

    "Only in America. Dream in red, white and blue"


    We still use Snorkels , Paddles , PB and bands, and buckets .
    I think snorkels are great for balance in the water .
    Our dryland is our Bucket sets in the water.

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