Reply To: Location and USRPT Status

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Tim Manley from Arizona, I’ve been using the Parametric System (PS) for about 10 years, it’s been a long learning curve and I still can learn from others and from my own results. USRPT is very similar as well is 3S and Sweetenham’s Australian / British program. All of these programs begin with speed first and build endurance through increasing repetitions of race pace training that creates a “resistance to fatigue.” All of the systems must include a technical skill component and I have followed the posture, line and balance model of Boomer and Nelms. I’ve learned from many on this board and will continue to. I have always wanted to start a private group on facebook as well for anyone interested, but it would not be a beginner group. Please let me know if you would be interested to use as another forum to share information.

? Practice Technical Skill's and Make Fast a Habit!