Hi all, I know it’s not strictly USRPT related, but how have those of you working at a club managed the end of season given the health situation?
After giving it a lot of thought I have decided to put an intraclub duel meet on this coming Friday to allow the kids to have a full week prep (we were already doing a 3 day drop for a qualifying meet this weekend that was cancelled) and then turn up and race each other, hopefully have a good time and swim really fast.
But there were arguments among the committee after I proposed this to suspend all operations immediately or to put it on as soon as Monday. Obviously I have some sympathy to these positions.
Frankly i’m not sure that there is a right solution, where I am the virus is not as widespread as it is in the US (yet anyways), so we aren’t at risk of everything getting closed just yet, and I would like to give the kids a positive end to their season, even if it isn’t ideal (we had 3 kids getting ready for their first ever national championships until recently). But on the other hand obviously their long term health comes first.
I’m not really interested in a debate on how serious Covid-19 is or isn’t, more just a discussion on the decisions various coaches have made in regards to ending this season.