Full Rest for mid season meet

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    thinking about trying full 3 day rest in a ‘mid season’ HS meet, to see how swimmers react. Problem is State meet is only 5 weeks away. Can I do the full rest twice in 5 weeks? Cut reps in half day 1, 1/4 day 2 and 3?



    Sure you can. Problem with this stuff is it’s “trial and error”, keep good notes for the next time.

    We did a 3 day unload prior to our mid-season meet and swam very well with 13 pool records, 10 team records and 92.8 S/LTB. We are getting ready to travel again and will do a one day unload (30%) with an extended meet warm-up the day before the meet. We will be 3 weeks out of conference meet.

    The nice thing about whatever you want to call it is you can come right back to previous workloads. When I was a more traditional coach that had 2 week “tapers” and then after the meet another 3 to 4 days of the “taper blues” you had gone 3 to 3 1/2 weeks before you could get back up and going again.

    After our mid-season meet the very next day after we got back we were back to work.

    I would say go for it! This is how we learn.

    Let us know how it goes.


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