The set we did we used last year’s times, we had 30 minutes once we got to the pool.
4 X 25 @1:00, 13.00 (first Half of 100/2) 13.0,, 12.39
4 X 50 @2:00, 27.00 (Last half of 100/2) 27.00, 26.44, 26.08, 25.37
4 X 25 @2:00, 13.00 (closer to his goal time of 47.00) 12.22, 12.45, 11.96, 12.00
The last set of 25s @2:00 was supposed to be a set of 8, but we ran out of time. The plan right now is to Keep the same sets for a few weeks but increase the reps. We still need to do Back, Fly & Breast. It’s hard to find a pool where we can get more than an hour of time and some won’t let me in while he swims.
I noticed how hard my son was breathing yesterday and I asked him last night when was the last time you breathed like that at practice and he can’t remember when. He even told me that he was felling funny on the 50s…lol
I am super excited that we have found this training. He is liking it as well. He compares this to the type of sets Eddie Reese of Texas does. For the last 2 years he has been mentioning how Texas has the best workouts because of their sprint groups & Sets and how they suit up for some practices.
Any suggestions are appreciated.