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My name is Prince Easton i’m a Jamaican coach. I’m currently coaching the Y-Speedos swim club here in Jamaica. I’ve been doing this for the past 18 years. Even though I’ve been doing this for so long, there is an emptiness that lurks within and as i continue you will see why.
Our coaching team consist of 3 coaches, 3 groups totaling 100 swimmers ranging from ages 5 to 19 years old. Killer sharks- 11 and over, Dolphins(my group)-8 and over and Minnows-12 and under. all groups are unique, Killer sharks are the elite 11 and overs, Dolphins are a mixture of elite 9-10s, 11 & overs and newly recruited 11 & overs not good enough to be with the sharks.
Hence my challenge!!!
The system of the club is as follows: Entry into the club is through a simple assessment of the athlete and then placed accordingly. Movement is done based on age, ability and consistency. There are 30 kids in my group. The fastest is a 14m doing 30s for 50fr and the slowest a 12f doing 49s for 50fr. Now, even thou my club is known for doing well with 10 & unders (I work with the elite 9-10s male and female) there is always room for improvement.
Most of my achievements are easily credited to USA swimming (as i am a member of their swim coaches association), local swim clinics organised by the swimming association in my country and learning from other coaches while on deck at practice.
When a swimmer is too old or becomes very fast, this athlete is then sent to the killers sharks. I am bothered by this at times but i am aware that this is the system that i’m apart of so it is what it is.
I have always been concerned about tapering, fatigue and the amount of rest that swimmers are allowed at intervals.
since I’ve been on this site I’m learning a little more about these things. Maybe its just the coach in me but the new goal that I’m setting for myself is to be best that i can be, therefore I’m here for me and my kids.
I kindly need help in writing better programmes, whether micro or macro cycles. Basically i want to embrace this new form of coaching to help my swimmers to become better and faster.