Location and USRPT Status

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  • This topic has 82 replies, 64 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by M K.
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  • #779
    Greg Tucker

    Ben, welcome. Good luck with your training. See my note on USRPT Does Not Have to Be Boring. Our kids live it. They look forward to the pool everyday.

    Greg Tucker

    Bob Couch

    I am a Masters swimmer, new to USRPT, and have just done two workouts using a USRPT set in each workout. I did a set of 20 x 50 free on :50 the first workout, then 24 x 50 on :50 the second workout. Both times I made my goal of :33 or better. It was very demanding on the lungs, so I know I was pushing the envelope on my limits, and I believe by keeping this a regular regimen I will see very significant improvement in my meet times. My goal is to do 30 x 50 next. I am wondering how much variation I can put into USRPT, and especially how I can incorporate strokes, since I am a 400 IM and 200 IM swimmer as well as freestyler. I am very excited about what this type of training seems to offer.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Denaj.

    My name is Craig McCormick and I am the Assistant Varsity coach for the University of Manitoba swim team and I’m the Junior Bison age group lead coach. We made the shift to this format of training 7 years ago when we created our age group club and following a version of this training we have developed several Canadian National Age group Champions and have broken many long standing provincial age group records (some 20 years old or more). This has been accomplished with swimming/training once a day 6 days a week for 12 hours (or less) a week swimming and focused dry land). Stroke technique and race specific speed training are the keys we have used and trying to lead by example as our country as a whole still believes in the 80’s belief system training!

    Greg Tucker

    Craig, welcome. Can you give us an idea of your typical training sets and results?

    Greg Tucker


    My name is Paul White and I am a coach with Brunswick Aquatic Club in NC. I’ve coached for 2 years somewhat out of necessity because the team my daughter swam for bailed out a couple years ago so me in all my glory :)started a new team (80-90 kids). My daughter has swam year round for 7 years & has done very well in the sport. That being said, I have questioned her training since she was 9 (now 13). My “real” job is that I am a chiropractor as well as a nutrition & physiology nut…..it NEVER made sense to me watching her swim 4500yds to get better at the 100, etc. My educated brain knew that it was training the wrong system not to mention ingraining some terrible stroke habits that we are now working on. USRPT is a godsend for me as it was my “told you so” moment. We’re not effectively having a long course season per say BUT, I am taking my daughter as well as 3-5 others & working them USRPT the whole summer. It’s going to give me a chance learn & implement with the plans of transitioning our team next year (I am also the dir of competitive swim so I have to say so).

    I’ve recently gone through the DVD’s & am online constantly learning. I can’t thank you enough for providing this site because I feel rather lost at times. our short course season is basically over this week & I am beginning the USRPT training staring next week!!

    wish me luck 🙂

    Greg Tucker

    Good luck, Dr Paul. Post your results at some point.

    Greg Tucker


    Hi, I am in Missouri. I am not a credentialed coach, but am seeking to train my three swimmers. We are not part of a club. I have read most of Dr Rushall’s papers and am looking forward to learning from this community.


    I am a Candian Coach near Toronto. I started using USRPT 5 weeks ago. I can see lots of great thing. I am on a steep learning curve.

    ? Coachkramer
    Love USRPT




    My name is Prince Easton i’m a Jamaican coach. I’m currently coaching the Y-Speedos swim club here in Jamaica. I’ve been doing this for the past 18 years. Even though I’ve been doing this for so long, there is an emptiness that lurks within and as i continue you will see why.

    Our coaching team consist of 3 coaches, 3 groups totaling 100 swimmers ranging from ages 5 to 19 years old. Killer sharks- 11 and over, Dolphins(my group)-8 and over and Minnows-12 and under. all groups are unique, Killer sharks are the elite 11 and overs, Dolphins are a mixture of elite 9-10s, 11 & overs and newly recruited 11 & overs not good enough to be with the sharks.

    Hence my challenge!!!

    The system of the club is as follows: Entry into the club is through a simple assessment of the athlete and then placed accordingly. Movement is done based on age, ability and consistency. There are 30 kids in my group. The fastest is a 14m doing 30s for 50fr and the slowest a 12f doing 49s for 50fr. Now, even thou my club is known for doing well with 10 & unders (I work with the elite 9-10s male and female) there is always room for improvement.

    Most of my achievements are easily credited to USA swimming (as i am a member of their swim coaches association), local swim clinics organised by the swimming association in my country and learning from other coaches while on deck at practice.

    When a swimmer is too old or becomes very fast, this athlete is then sent to the killers sharks. I am bothered by this at times but i am aware that this is the system that i’m apart of so it is what it is.

    I have always been concerned about tapering, fatigue and the amount of rest that swimmers are allowed at intervals.
    since I’ve been on this site I’m learning a little more about these things. Maybe its just the coach in me but the new goal that I’m setting for myself is to be best that i can be, therefore I’m here for me and my kids.

    I kindly need help in writing better programmes, whether micro or macro cycles. Basically i want to embrace this new form of coaching to help my swimmers to become better and faster.


    Nathan Templeman from the thriving metropolis of Canby, Oregon USA…just outside of Portland. We’re about a year into our USRPT experiment. I wasn’t the head coach when I introduced it to my squad (12-16YO, USA B to SR SECT qualifiers) but I have since assumed that role and begun to integrate it throughout the program.
    Like many others I have struggled w/ the lack of kicking etc. and I confess that sometimes a few poor meet sessions will sometimes lead me astray for a practice or two. Ultimately, however, I buy into the theory, but I don’t always feel that I am up to the task of securing the discipline that the sets require from my athletes. It’s just soooo easy to take that 50 fly off… Old school habits die hard.
    At the risk of violating some forum taboo I want to mention that we are looking for a PT AG coach to begin in the fall (SEP14) and I’d love to have someone w/ USRPT experience, particularly w/ 12&UN. You can learn more about the position at http://oregonswimming.org/jobs/18068.


    I’m sorry if this is upsetting! But you can’t do a GOGGLE search of SIT, RST and SMIT and find out for yourself. It took me all of 10 minutes to find out about the above 3 training systems.

    Some time you have to help yourself!

    "Only in America. Dream in red, white and blue"

    Geoff Eastwood

    Hi there
    My Name is Geoff Eastwood, i’m based in Urunga just south of Coffs Harbour in Australia. I have been using USRPT myself and with my squad for over a year with great improvements all round.


    I’m Cokie Lepinski of Swymnut Masters, a team based in Northern California. I’m just now readying my Masters team to make the change to USRPT. Interested in hearing from other Masters teams who have done this. Been following Glenn Gruber here and on the USMS USRPT forum and have been inspired by his results and his dialogue. Thanks Glenn!



    I would be more than happy to correspond with you on USRPT. Have been in contact with Dr. Rushall several times and he has clarified several things for me.

    He actually came to see me at a meet this past weekend in Carlsbad, CA near where he lives in the San Diego area. It was great to meet him. He was also able to give me some technique tips that I am working on.

    PM me at sca17@pacbell.net



    Hi, my name is Donna Hodgert. I was just hired as the head swim coach at Sweet Briar College in Virginia. I am a triathlete and master swimmer. I have read similar training theories for cycling and running especially for master athletes, which I am one. In my personal training, especially running, USRPT has worked and I continue to drop time, even as I get older. I have experimented with USRPT with a former team, but I am excited to really give it a good try. I too an concerned with the fact that USRPT does not incorporate strength training. I got faster after my college swimming career because I spent 2 years in the weight room before competing in Masters Swimming. I swam my best 50 fly time as a 35 year old. I look forward to sharing my experiences with others.

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