Do you think USRPT is same as HIT or HIIT?

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    My question might not have been clear. Do they just have to “show mastery” over the 500free sets to achieve their 500 free time or does the master have to be over everything? It just seems weird to me that being able to complete 60% of their breaststroke sets would be relevant for freestyle performance.

    "Most people have the will to win. Few have the will to prepare to win."


    60% is total at really any point in the season. If they are achieving 60% of total offered they are the most consistent meaning they will race well during the mid and championship seasons. They have shown good “mastery” and have “accumulated enough potential” to “utilize” it. Record and watch is really the best way to get a handle on it. That doesn’t mean that if they make less than 60% they will not swim well. They just aren’t as consistent as those that have 60% or better. (Dr. Rushall’s brain training):)

    Most of the kids train for 100/200 frees and 100/200s of stroke and 200IM.

    Here is a brief sequence of a week. This is week 1 of the cycle and is repeated again in week 3.
    Monday free 200/100 and short to long
    Tuesday Stroke 100/200 (IM) and short to long
    Wednesday Stroke 100/200 (IM) and short to long
    Thursday Free 100/200 and short to long
    Friday Stroke 100/200 and short to long
    Saturday free 200/100 (IM) short to long
    The reason IM is where it is we have 8 lanes on those days and makes life a lot easier.
    free or stroke means primary emphasis for sets. 100/200, if it is a free primary then is moving from 100 free sets i.e. 25s and 50s to the third set is 200fr work i.e. 50s or 75s. Short to long is a reference to distance i.e. moving from 25s first set to maybe 75s as last set.

    The 2nd and 4th weeks we move around the primary emphasis with the major change being we go long to short. The reason here is that as you go later in the workout fatigue does accumulate I don’t care what Dr. Rushall says. So by changing the distance order and putting say 75s early this gives them a chance to improve numbers done while not under fatigue from earlier sets.

    After watching and recording the numbers I’ve found it to be the better sequence of work for MY kids. Would really need more coaches recording to see if this is the BEST for swimmers.

    I wish I could figure out attachments. It would save me a lot of time typing.

    "Only in America. Dream in red, white and blue"


    Thanks for all the info. It is very helpful.

    If you have the time could you post what an entire workout for one day looks like for you? If you are on a day moving from 100 to 200 free does that mean you do more of the 100 work or just that you are starting with the 100 and still do the same amount as a 200/100 day?

    My initial setup was to do…
    Monday – 500fr,200stroke,100free
    Tuesday – 200fr, 200focus event, 100stroke
    Thursday – 100fr, 200stroke, 500free
    Friday – 100stroke, 100 focus event, 200fr

    So far I have just had one specific set for each event. Have just done 25s for the 100s and 50s to train the 200s. How important do you think is it to have then train 50s at 100RP or 75s at 200RP?

    They are doing really well with it so far and don’t seem too be getting bored yet. I’m only a week and a half in though. Is there anything wrong with this setup? Is it bad to train 3 events on one day?

    "Most people have the will to win. Few have the will to prepare to win."


    60% is in each stroke. There is VERY little cross over. It’s apples to oranges or the principle of specificty. Riding a bike doesn’t make you better at swimming.

    We will move from 100 to 200 work with either an increase in volume or we may need to repeat the same number due to progressions i.e. not ever good results and could be just a bad day for them. We are always looking for an increase in race speed i.e. 20×50 @ 200p made 12, then the next time looking for maybe 11-14, you can have huge swings with the numbers. Espicially early season when the are adjusting to faster speeds than the prior season. It can drive you crazy and you have to constantly remind ourself “it will all work out” and it usually does.

    If I read your sequence correctly. you have 1 500 set, 3 200 stroke sets, 2 100 free sets, 2 100 stroke sets. I included your “focus sets” in the total.

    If you follow the good Dr’s. recommendations you need to have at least 3 stimuli per week to create adapation. What I did at first was “KISS” and not try and do too much. It’s hard because you want to try and do everything for everone and all you do is end up getting fragmented and have a difficult time knowing what worked and didn’t work. We started training for 100/200 free and 100/200 of the stroke and then got a little more creative as I GOT BETTER AT THE SEQUENCE.

    Starting out having one set for each distance is a good way to go. It gives you a base to work off of and from there you can start to experiment with different sets. But you work off something you know works and that way you can always fall back and not miss a beat and the kids never know.
    Example: 200s free, we may start with 75s, (the kids will not like this. But will say you do have to “feel the sting”),move to 50s and then to 25s at “50s” pace divided in 1/2, and do 30 or more (we may use a tempo trainer for this type of set). with the goal of striving for “mastery” (60%). The brain has to be in the “moment” and often to make the adjustment to speed, tempo, distance per stroke and underwater work.

    “How important do you think is it to have them train 50s at 100RP or 75s at 200RP?” They will sometime need to “feel the sting” and that will be dependent on you and when you think they are ready. it may only be 2-4 to start or so at the end of a set of 50s and you say “hey let’s try 75s and you explain how to firgure pace and go for it! Then you may ask for feedback and if they are honest they’ll tell you “it feels like the 200 and hurts like hell” but there is value in doing this set. Next question from them is usually “how many will we have to do?” Just laugh. They’ll think you’re crazy.

    I have one observation. In a number of forums coaches have stated that they are some how worried about boredom with USRPT. I’ve been doing this for over 3 years now and not one kid has quit from boredom. If they will pay attention they know at pretty much any time how fast they can go and what are resonable expections at a meet. We have a saying ” If you want to be entertained then stay at home and watch TV. This is about performance.

    "Only in America. Dream in red, white and blue"


    Hopefully this works..

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Denaj.

    "Only in America. Dream in red, white and blue"


    I’ll try this again!

    "Only in America. Dream in red, white and blue"


    Ok. I give up.
    You guys may want to move to the orginal USRPT website.
    This is BS unable to post file to site.

    "Only in America. Dream in red, white and blue"



    "Only in America. Dream in red, white and blue"


    Here is a workout we did last night. Times and GOs are for SCM pool
    Looks a lot better in WORD.


    10 minutes get ready!

    Push-off to streamline with great balance up at breakout
    *Push-off to streamline with great balance up to breakout and 3 HH
    *Repeat above with eyes closed 🙂 Can you do it by feel?

    4 x 10 second imaginary jump rope with 30 rest
    Focus core tension (maybe done in water)

    10 x 75 stk on 1:30

    Stk 75 pace 75 pace
    Roni H br 1:08.05 1:09.85
    Trevor M ba 0:49.91 0:51.71
    Emileigh br 1:02.68 1:04.48
    Troy B ba 0:58.06 0:59.86
    Jake V ba 0:59.04 1:00.84
    Matt F br 1:02.45 1:04.25
    Atanas I ba 1:02.13 1:03.93
    Stephen D br 1:13.16 1:14.96
    Owen C fr 0:49.14 0:50.94
    Mary K br 1:02.16 1:03.96
    Jack T fr 0:51.01 0:52.81
    Holly K br 1:05.36 1:07.16
    Matt K br 1:01.55 1:03.35
    Victoria ba 1:04.63 1:06.43
    Paige W ba 1:01.58 1:03.38
    Amy H br 1:06.29 1:08.09
    Zabric K fl 0:50.09 0:51.89
    Gabby B br 1:16.73 1:18.53
    Jordyn C fr 0:57.19 0:58.99
    Quinn M br 1:12.00 1:13.80
    Gwen S fr 0:53.55 0:55.35
    Amanda F fr 0:55.08 0:56.88
    Patricia ba 1:03.94 1:05.74

    200 easy swim

    2 x 2 x 25 front loops with focus on “athletic move”
    2 x 25 on :40 cycle by 25
    4 x push-offs to great 3HH breakout
    1:00 rest

    12 x 50 stk on 1:00

    n x 50 Stk LCM
    Roni H br 45.37 46.07
    Trevor M ba 33.27 33.83
    Emileigh br 41.79 42.13
    Troy B ba 38.71 38.99
    Jake V ba 39.36 39.94
    Matt F br 41.64 41.98
    Atanas I ba 41.42 42.15
    Stephen D br 48.78 49.68
    Owen C fr 32.76 33.53
    Mary K br 41.44 41.78
    Jack T fr 34.01 34.57
    Holly K br 43.57 44.91
    Matt K br 41.03 41.51
    Victoria ba 43.08 43.64
    Paige W ba 41.06 41.53
    Amy H br 44.20 45.06
    Zabric K fl 33.39 33.84
    Gabby B br 51.15 51.47
    Jordyn C fr 38.13 39.02
    Quinn M br 48.00 48.34
    Gwen S fr 35.70 35.97
    Amanda F fr 36.72 37.18
    Patricia ba 42.63 43.10

    200 easy swim
    2 x 25 front loops with focus on “athletic move”
    2 x 25 on :40 cycle by 25
    4 x push-offs to great 3HH breakout
    1:00 rest

    Use tempo trainer on below

    30 x 25 at ½ “50s on 1:00” pace

    Swim easy

    "Only in America. Dream in red, white and blue"


    Great stuff, folks! You are really helping me out with some ideas and observations. This is what I was hoping to get when I joined this group. I have changed my record keeping, and now I am tracking the first miss along with the total yards at race pace for each set. I have eliminated the max # of reps per set, and I will just stop a swimmer and change their goal time if they reach the max number I have in my head. Seems like it’s a more positive experience. A swimmer goes from 600 yards to 750 yards at race pace on their 50 frees at 200 rp, and they feel like they have really improved. Even though they didn’t get my max goal of 20, it doesn’t matter.

    This makes my record keeping a little tidier, too, because I am focusing on just two key data points (first miss/total rp yards) before making a decision on lowering the goal time.

    Thanks again.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Denaj.
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