How Long Until Results?

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    We came into Spring completely out of shape. We’ve been doing all USRPT for 3 weeks (four practices a week). Most of them started a bit off race pace as Rushall said to do. The practices have been going well.

    Two of my swimmers had their first meet this weekend and it was pretty disappointing. I still believe in the research but I know they are going to have a harder time continuing to buy in. How long would you expect it to take for us to see good results?

    We have a home meet at the end of May. That is realistically the meet we’ll be able to get the most swimmers to. Is 7 weeks of USRPT (starting with out of shape swimmers) enough to expect best times? Is it enough to at least expect best in season times?

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Denaj.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Denaj.

    "Most people have the will to win. Few have the will to prepare to win."


    I just read this from Rushall. I guess they aren’t even completely fit yet. Still hoping results will be possible after another month.

    “The first time a coach implements a race-pace training macrocycle, the length of time to the achievement of ceiling fitness normally takes more than one month and will vary between swimmers within a squad.” – Rushall – 39energy

    "Most people have the will to win. Few have the will to prepare to win."


    No USRPT isn’t magic. You have to give some time for adaptation to occur.


    For our team, we saw results for the “in shape” swimmers at around 5 weeks. For the out of shape swimmers, it took about 8 weeks. Once they started dropping time, they continued to drop. “Results” for us was bettering their top time shaved and tapered from the end of last year’s season. Did not have records to compare year over year within the season.

    For athlete’s who supplemented the high school practice with club practice or weight regimen, we didn’t see the same time drop. They still improved, but not as much as the group doing just our practice.


    Thanks for the replies.

    I’m sure you have posted it elsewhere but are you doing 100% USRPT? How many yards are you offering per week and how many practices per week?

    "Most people have the will to win. Few have the will to prepare to win."


    We did only usrpt 3 times a week for our high school season. Once we were in season, we averaged a total of 4 practices per week. Each of the 3 usrpt practices we did 2 sets of 12X50 and one set of 16X25. We offered a total of 3000 yards per week. Most swimmers completed about 2500.

    The other 1 or 2 days were usually meet days or they recovered/worked on turns, etc…

    I know it’s not much yardage, but it still yielded some really nice results.

    This summer, I am offering about 10,000 yards and hoping for 6000-7000 completed at rp. This seems more aligned to what some other folks are doing here. So far, the average yards at rp for this season has been between 1300-1600 depending on the stroke and distances being worked.

    Hope this helps.


    Yes, that’s helpful. I knew I shouldn’t be expecting results after only 3 weeks. It’s good to know it might be possible after 7.

    Can you give me some idea of what some of the times your swimmers have achieved? Just to know what level they are at. Are any of them doing the 500?

    "Most people have the will to win. Few have the will to prepare to win."


    Off the top of my head, I can give you a few.

    50 free: 23.7 – 22.1
    100 free: 52.5 – 49:86
    200 free: 1:56 – 1:49
    500 free: 5:14 – 4:58/ 5:56 – 5:30
    200 IM: 2:13 – 2:05
    100 breast: 1:05 – 1:02/ 1:10 – 1:03

    For our team, this was pretty decent compared to past years. We have no pool and have to rent. We averaged between 4-6 hours per week total pool time. That’s why I felt like we needed to look at a different way of training.

    No state level swimmers yet, but we are hoping this summer can change this.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Denaj.

    New to this forum, but a Masters swimmer who has used USRPT exclusively for the last 9 months.

    It took me 6 months of 5 Xs a week of USRPT before I could say absolutely that USRPT was the reason for my improvement. So, 1. you need to execute the sets as proposed by Dr. Rushall and 2. you need to be patient.

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