Maybe something worth tinkering with?

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    We did this with the kids on the days they have lifting (don’t get me started) after swim practice.
    CNS Tap Test, it’s a downloadable app for phones and tracks their CNS activation. Took some time to get a baseline on each kid. But the data was very interesting. Positive feed back from athletes who liked having two options based on the results of test High CNS or Low CNS workout. S&C Staff also had very positive feedback and did a great job in helping monitor the athletes. They tried to use it with other sports and didn’t get much support. Go figure.

    Might be interesting if either a master swimmer or someone training one or two athletes would say test before you did workout and see if there maybe be a correlation between numbers done and CNS results. Thinking that if they test low CNS, why even do workout? or maybe you just do one set. I know in USRPT or any system that let’s the athlete stop it is addressing the CNS issue. But it might be kind of interesting to put numbers to it?

    Then again it maybe just another rabbit hole. Been down plenty of those 🙂

    Just search “CNS Tap Test” and you want SMUDGE.IO site. They also have one “Human Performance” that you can pay for additional add-ons. Looks pretty interesting.

    ? All that is not shared... is lost.


    I’ll give it a shot with a few of my swimmers and let you know what I find. Will see if I can get them to do it once in morning and an hour before practice, then look at results.


    I apologize for the late reply. It might be interesting or it could be a dead end. You never know until you go down the path.

    I like the idea of once in the morning and then again before practice. Please let me know your results.


    ? All that is not shared... is lost.

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