We do a “last good rep before 1st fail” and “total good reps”. The first ignores any fail-reps within the “grace” or “gimmie” reps on the front end. The second value takes everything into account and is straightforward: how many reps were you at goal time or faster.
My team took a while to wrap their heads around these concepts. The first value above is worded oddly and can certainly be done more easily. “First fail rep” is probably easier to understand as long as they know we mean “after the gimmies”. It’s the same number as what we do now plus 1. Easy to normalize in a spreadsheet.
The second value we collect is easily grasped, but they struggled at first to remember that with 25s a fail rep actually means you take 3 reps off (except for a 3rd fail or 2nd consecutive fail) and 50s it’s only 2 and so forth. They all worked backwards from the number of reps offered or the rep number they failed out of the set on. The concept of the value we’re collecting is easy, but calculating the number this way seems to require taking a moment or two to recall the fail reps in one’s head. On the upside I liked how little operational details like this made the swimmers engage their brains just a bit more.