True Team Section Meet

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    Just wanted to give an update for our season. We had our true team section meet on Saturday. It’s not a meet that people taper for but it is the biggest meet during the regular season.

    We have 9 teams in our section and won 6 of the 11 swimming events (we also won diving but she doesn’t do USRPT).

    Our IMer pulled off a huge upset in a crazy race where she won it in the last 5 yards. Split 31.1 on the last 50 vs 32 something from the other girl. She went 2:16.3 and broke our school record. She was 2:23 at this meet last year and 2:20 at sections last year.

    We also won the 100 fly (and took 4th), 100 free (and took 3rd), 50 free (and took 3rd), and both freestyle relays. Our free relays broke 7 and 5 year old meet records.

    Had another good meet last night with most people swimming best times in a few events. Flyer went 1:01.2 (28.9, 32.3) for the school record.

    "Most people have the will to win. Few have the will to prepare to win."



    You are obviously doing something right, keep it up! Would you mind sharing your weekly plan? I also work with several sprinters, flyers and an 100/200 flier who will also swim the IM.


    This is the basic plan for our “Main Group” which includes our top Flyer/IMer who I have posted about a bit on here.

    M, W, F

    Warm up: 200 choice, 8×25 @:40

    100 stroke RP: 16×25 @:40 or :50, recovery, 8×25 @1:00 (first 50 of 100 pace or just faster than 100 pace)

    Recovery/Skill/Underwater DK: 15 minutes

    200 Free RP: 16×50 @1:00, recovery, 8×50 @1:00 (sometimes we have a lot of swimmers who can do well on the second round and sometimes we just have everyone stop after 16 because they all are doing so poorly)

    Recovery/Skill/Underwater DK: 15 minutes

    100 Free RP: 16×25 @:40, recovery, 16×25 @:40 (again, on the second round we have almost everyone fail out before 16)

    Recovery/Skill/Underwater DK or just cool down

    On Monday and Friday we do 100 stroke first and on Wednesday we do 200 free first.

    Right now we are training everyone for the 200 free as a way to get in shape. Most of our swimmers don’t swim in the off season. Even those who do come in having had a month off from swimming with the exception of one girl.

    Everyone also is training for the 100 free because everyone is going to swim on the 400 free relay many times throughout the season.

    Tuesdays and Thursdays would be very complicated to explain in detail. The USRPT sets our IMers do on Tuesday and Thursday are…

    12×50 back @1:00

    12×50 breast @1:10

    Will probably increase these numbers soon.

    During that time we have the other swimmers are mostly doing 25s at pace for secondary strokes.

    Otherwise we do a lot of sprinting, technique work, videos, etc. We have meets on a lot of Tuesdays and Thursdays so it has changed how we’ve done things a bit.

    As much as I love to say I do USRPT, when I look at it I know it isn’t true USRPT. We offer multiple rounds of sets because I often have people reach their third fail and then when we try the set again in 10-15 minutes they can do better than they did the first time. I think it makes it easier on them psychologically as well.

    "Most people have the will to win. Few have the will to prepare to win."


    Those are the most common way we offer the yards but it isn’t always exactly set up that way. Occasionally we will do more 25s @1:00 or change how the 50s @200 pace are offered. Sometimes we’ll offer higher numbers to make sure every single swimmer reaches their third failure.

    About once a week we’ll do a set where we have them partner up and time each other with stop watches. It’s amazing how much better they perform on those days. It’s nice to get a fairly accurate time for every single repeat.

    "Most people have the will to win. Few have the will to prepare to win."


    Thanks bilratio. So if I’m reading this correctly you do pace work everyday, if you don’t have a meet. How much recovery do you do between rounds when you are working on the same event? What do you do for your 50 and 100 girl, I have several swimmers that will 50, 100, 200 but their main focus is on the 50 and 100. Do you do any work outside of skills, starts, turns, breakouts, finishes that are directly working the 50. What would you suggest for transitioning, 1 set a day, 2 sets on m/w/f?

    Had our inters quad this morning and we were terrible. We were faster yesterday doing 8 x 25 @ 2 at 1/2 50 â‚©pace than what we did today. First thing my head coach said was that we need to do more ya4ds…frustrating. I believe in this training, we just really struggled today. The most frustrating part was all the skill work we did didnt transfer i to our races which is soemthing we talked about agyerwards and will focus on thos week. Thanks again!


    Don’t lose heart. My first time doing USRPT was a spring season with my swim club and the head coach said I could try it. It was pretty much a disaster across the board for various reasons. I think the short season just didn’t give them enough time to adapt to the different type of training.

    Last year with my high school team we saw hardly any lifetime bests from the experienced swimmers. We didn’t hit the best times and race paces until we rested for sections and put on the tech suits. This year is going much better and I’m not exactly sure why. Perhaps we’ve had better buy-in, they came into the season in better shape, or it just works better once your body has done it before. I’m not a scientist so I don’t really know. All I know is I am thankful that I didn’t give up after the first 2 month trial was a failure.

    We’re not doing exactly the same things we did last year and next year I will probably change some things slightly as well. I’m still super new to this.

    We do a little less recovery when doing multiple rounds on the same event (10 minutes usually). In between other sets we do 10-15 minutes.

    We do race pace swimming every day. That’s all the yards we get unless you count warm up, turns, and DK. And those usually amount to 800 yards or less per day.

    It’s so frustrating to hear people talk about needing more yards, an aerobic base, etc. Peter Andrew did say that he felt like training MA for the 200 when coming back from a break helped him get back to being able to make his 100 sets more quickly. We did a lot of 200 training at the start of the year even for our 100 and 50 girl. I’ll tell you what her weeks look like right now though.


    20×25 @:40 holding 13.4 or faster, Then might do some @1:00 after a rest

    nx50 @2:00 holding 28.2 or faster (we do these to 3rd failure which comes almost right after the 2nd failure)

    16×25 @:40 holding 13.4 or faster (we might offer more or else do a second round. These are usually done with the whole team so she can race our flyer who is also a faster 100 freestyler)

    (Wednesday we are actually still doing the 50s @1:00 and holding something in between 200 pace and back half of 100 pace. She can hold 29.5 for a high number on a good day. She has swam 2:02.4 both times she has done the 200 free this year which is a best time by 4 seconds. Friday we are dropping the final 100 pace work to do 50 training. 25s @2:00 from a push or off the blocks, 12.5s, etc.)

    I think I have a lot to learn/figure out about training for the 50. You can probably tell from the questions I’ve been asking on here the last few weeks.

    T, Th (Sometimes we’ll do more than this but it is always sprinting at her paces. If she is slow we stop. If she is going really fast we’ll just keep it going.)

    8×25 @2:00

    12×12.5 @:40

    8×25 @2:00

    We do 25s off the blocks at the end of every practice M,T,W,Th,F. She likes to do it just to see what her times can be and test different things out. She’s consistently swimming 11.5 now and can go a couple 11.4s almost every day. Peter Andrew told me that Michael does stuff off the blocks at the end of almost every practice on no interval. It’s a fun way to end practice. I often tell her “You can leave when you swim 11.4.” Then when she swims 11.4 she feels so good about it that she wants to do another one. We usually do 2-6 of these each day.

    "Most people have the will to win. Few have the will to prepare to win."

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