Forum Replies Created
Participantcheers doc,
As insightful as always.
I’d love the chance to pick your brain about a lot of this stuff. I’m running a small program across the world from you (and I’m a young coach in my mid 20s), but I’d like to let you know that you have had a tremendous influence on my program (which has produced state champions in our little corner of the map). You definitely have given me a lot to think about over the last 2 years at the very least.
ParticipantAre you trying to replace strokes with underwater kicking? If so there are problems with kick tempo and matching stroke tempo and distance traveled.
Could you elaborate on this for me? Or point me in the direction of some resources?
Always interested in your perspective.
ParticipantHi Doc,
Thanks for the reply, I actually really agree with you. I said I emphasised 200+ events, and I have (relative to usual), but still just over half of quality swimming in the program is at 100 pace or faster, which is less than usual (it usually is around 70-75% for the average swimmer, and up to 95% for one swimmer who is a legitimate 50 FS swimmer and does some 200 pace free 1-2 times per week mostly just for a bit of variety).
Honestly a bit over a month into training LC the bigger issue I’ve had come up consistently is the lack of turns in my opinion, along with the fact we don’t have access to blocks, starting to see some really lazy starts, turns and walls. And these are bad habits to build. Feels like I spend more time talking about those things than swimming technique at the moment, which obviously isn’t what I want.
Like the idea of using a tempo trainer, I do only have one though unfortunately. It’s a shame there isn’t a more affordable alternative, I feel like they are pretty seriously overpriced, but maybe I am missing something I suppose.
In your set with the tempo trainer, what sort of setting would you use? Target time, so 3 or 4 beeps would be 1:3 or 1:4 work to rest ratio? or do you have it beep multiple times per swim?
Overall I haven’t minded training LC. Definitely will be happy to be back SC in (fingers crossed) a few weeks though.
ParticipantAbsolutely agree regarding the letdown, it’s hard.
My country is taking it seriously, but we have (atleast to this point) had the opportunity to continue and end the season on our own terms, which overall I think is a good thing.
Very uncertain times.
ParticipantThanks Ryan, I actually have been monitoring stroke count with her for a while, because that was the first thing I identified as an avenue to improve the backend. It’s been something she has been working on for a while (about 6 months), but she has cut ~2 strokes per 25m, and is swimming fractionally slower times.
She just gets frustrated with slower times, which I absolutely understand, but eventually I explained it as a limiting factor to your speed (ie. you can only increase your stroke rate so much) and she got it from that perspective, when she hadn’t really gotten it from an efficiency perspective.
Interesting thought regarding drag suits, I used to train in one of the dolfin ones 100% of the time as a kid, but I’ve more or less stayed away from equipment entirely outside of using kkckboards with my 8 and under kids while teaching basic stroke mechanics. Based on what I have read as well as a desire to minimise costs for parents (lets face it, swimming is expensive enough already).
Have you found the increased resistance effect technique in any way? I suppose it is probably a small enough difference that it doesn’t change technique/body position? And definitely the more basic one that is just the mesh outer liner as opposed to the type with the pockets?